Page 314 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 314

student  and  has  been  changed  into  management  cost.  This  operational  cost  is
          used  to  pay  officials'  incentive  (Head ,  Coordinator,  Head  of  Sub-Unit,  and

          Treasurer),  bills,  incentive  for  staff,  office  equipment,  furniture,  local  transport

          fee ,  facility  maintenance,  final  examination ,  PKM .PKP,  tutorials,  building
          rehabilitations, etc.
                Activities  -  whose  budget  has  not  been  decided  -  have  their  own

          regulation.  The  use  of operational  budget  should  be  reported  to  UT  Head  Office .

          If Uang  Muka  Kegiatan  (down  payment, or  UMK  for  short)  received  from  UT  Head
          Office  has  not  been  reported, the  UPBJJ  will  not  received  new  UMK. Other  fund ,
          especially for learning  activities , tutorial , and  examination  at  UPBJJs  is  based  on

          number of students,  multiplied  by  unit cost per student.

                Beside  salary  and  operational  budget,  UPBJJs  also  received  direct  fund.  It
          may  be  fee  for implementation  of inauguration,  certificates  issuance, face-to-face
          tutorials, students'  activities, financial  assistance  from  local  government, etc. AI

          income  and  its  use  should  be  reported  to  Vice  Rector  II, at  the  latest one  month
          after it  has  been  received.  Starting  2006, the  fund  should  be  sent  to  UT's  bank

          account before  it is  used.
                Since  2006 ,  UPBJJs  have  had  to  make  a  Daftar  Nominatif  Penggunaan

          Dana  each  month  for  the  purpose  of  withdrawing  money  to  pay  salaries  and
          operational  budget.  The  list  should  be  approved  by  Head  of  Financial  Bureau  of

          Department  of  National  Education,  before  it  is  forwarded  to  KPKN .  According  to
          the  new  State  Financial  Law,  UPBJJs  are  no  longer  allowed  to  directly  receive

          fund  from  the  public. Every  earning  should  be  sent  to  UT's  bank  account  at  BRI.
          The  Bank  then  sends  it to  Kas  Negara.  UT  can  only  use  fund  received  after  the

          Daftar  Nominatif  Penggunaan  Dana  has  been  approved  by  Financial  Bureau  of
          Department of National  Education  and  KPKN .

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