Page 287 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 287

exams ,  in  a  meeting  with  Registration  and  Exam  Coordinator,  a  committee  is

             formed  to  decide  on  the  Person-in-Charge  of  Exam  Premise  (Penanggung  Jawab
             TempatUjian  - PJTU)  and  Person-in-Charge  of  Exam  Location  (Penanggung

             Jawab  Lokasi Ujian- PJLU),  in  accordance  with  QA  system  manuals (Simintas).
                  With  regard  to  exam  committee ,  UPBJJ  Bogar  appoints  one  of  its  staffs  to
             be  the  secretary  of  PJLU.  The  task  of  the  secretary  is  to  help  PJLU  in

             administration  of  examination  in  the  location.  A  week  before  the  exams,  the

             committee  arranges  exam  materials  for  twenty  student  for  each  room.  Exam
             materials  are  prepared  soon  after they  have  been  received  from  UT  Head  Office.
             The  materials  are  submitted  by  Registration  and  Exam  to  PJTU  in  districts  or

            cities  outside  UPBJJ  Bogor  one  day  before  the  exams.  PJTU  is  responsible  to

             take  the  materials  to  districts  or  cities  where  the  exams  are  to  take  place.  One
             hour  before  the  exams,  the  materials  are  submitted  by  Registration  and  Exam
            Coordinator to  PJTUIPLJU in  the  locations designated  by  UPBJJ  Bogor.

                  For  new  students,  two  or  three  days  before  the  exams,  UPBJJs  carry  out
            Study  Orientation  (Orientasi  Studi  Mahasiswa  Baru  - OSMB)  to  remind  them  of

            exam  regulations  and  ways  to  fill  in  the  answer  sheets  (Lembar Jawaban  Ujian  -
            LJU).  Each  exam  location  is  monitored  by  Head  of  UPBJJ  and  Head  of  Sub-Unit

             of  Administration.  Implementation  of  examination  is  concluded  by  an  evaluation
            by  the  Exam  Committee.  Afterward , UPBJJs  send  the  results  and  report  of exam

            implementation  to  UT's  Head  Office.
                  Other  tasks  of  UPBJJs  are  to  evaluate  self-assignment  (Tug as  Mandiri  -

            TM) , practice  assignments,  tutorial  assignments,  PKM ,  PKP,  final  examinations,
             and  end-of program  assignments. Other tasks  are  to  check  the  results  of TM  and

             send  them  to  exam  centre  at  Head  Office  (TM  has  been  removed  since  2006).
                  Marking  objective  tests  is  done  by  computer  at  UT  Head  Office  to  make  it

            faster.  However,  manual  marking  of  essays  by  academic  staff  posed  certain
            problems  due  to  huge  number  of  students  yet  limited  number  of  staff.  It  caused

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