Page 285 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 285

assignments,  service  and  other  relevant  aspects .  Information  about  these

             aspects  is  gained  from  direct observation, interviews , and  questionnaires.
                   In  the  first  eight  years  of  UT's  operation ,  not  many  students  followed  the

             tutorials  provided  by  UT.   At  that  time,  tutorials  were  considered  having  no
             significant  contributions  to  students'  final  grades.  Therefore ,  students  paid  no

             attention  to  the  tutorials .  But  starting  2001 ,  tutorials  were  again  initiated  in  the
             form  of  face-to-Face  tutorials  specially  designed  for  PGSD  programs  (teacher

             training  programs  for  elementary  school  teachers) .   This  time,  the  tutorial
             contributes  30%  to  students'  final  grade.  Its  special  characteristic  is  reflected  in
             its  administration , tutor  recruitment, place  of  tutorial, fees ,  number  of meetings,

             assignments , calculation  of assignment scores  and  final  scores.

                  Since  2004, tutorials  have  been  provided  for  3 subjects  for basic  education
             (Pendidikan  Dasar, or  Pendas  for  short)  and  non-basic  education  (Non-Pendas).
             The  tutorials  are  offered  by  UPBJJs , but  they  are  not  compulsory  for  students  to

             attend  them.  It  means  that  students  of  Pendas  and  Non-Pendas  do  not  have  to

             attend  tutorials  but  UPBJJs  are  required  to  provide  them  in  case  of  students'
             demand. Students will  pass  if they  score  high  in  final  exam , even  though  they  did
             not  attend  tutorials.  It is  quite different from  previous  tutorials  for  Pendas, where

             students  would  not  pass  if they did  not  attend  Tutorials,  no  matter how  good  their

             final  score  was.
                  Tutorials  have  been  implemented  in  accordance  with  tutorial  manuals  as
             detailed  in  UT's  Quality  Assurance  System.  Since  2005,  assessment  of  best

             tutorial  implementation  by  UPBBJs  has  been  done  based  on  tutorial  management
             and  students'  attendance .  Best  achievement  was  announced  in  National

             Coordination  Meeting  (Rakornas)  in  2006 .  UPBJJ  Bengkulu  was  the  best,
             followed  by  UPBJJ  Jakarta  in  the  second  place,  and  UPBJJ  Banjarmasin  in  the

             third  place .

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