Page 280 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 280

Location  of UPBJJ ,  fol lowing  the  expansion

            Main  Tasks  and  Functions  of  UPBJJ

                 Based  of  Rector's  Letter  of  Decision  in  2001  on  tasks,  functions ,  and
            structure  of  UPBJJs ,  the  existence  of  UPBJJs  has  been  changed  to  fit  the

            concept  of  USB.  All  activities  in  regions  are  carried  out  by  UPBJJs  as  frontline
            implementing  units.  Its  position  has  made  UPBJJs  develop.  UPBJJ  is  the  center

            of  service  provision  that  can  reach  the  students.  According  to  Head  of  UPBJJ
            Surabaya , Dr. Kisyani  Laksono, the  main  task  and  function  of  UPBJJs  is  to  carry

            out  almost  all  UT's  tasks  and  functions.  Extended  role,  task  and  function  of
            UPBJJs  as  UT's  regional  representatives  can  be  seen  from  the  increasing

            number  of  activities  carried  out  at  UPBJJs .  Therefore,  to  run  the  programs ,
            UPBJJs  should  always  implement  the  vision  and  mission  of  UT  simultaneously.
            UT's  vision  and  missions  are  directed  toward  developing  the  following  three  main

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