Page 274 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 274

The  Inauguration  of the first Heads of UPBJJs at Senayan  in  1984.

               As  UT  has  its  own  unique  characteristics  - which  are  different  from
          conventional  universities'  - it  requires  a  specific  operation  system .  Different

          characteristics  and  basic  principles  of  distance  higher  education  institutions,  in
          terms  of learning  process  and  management,  require  strong  coordination . UT  has

          a  complicated  management  system  because  it  relies  on  cooperation  with  many
          parties  scattered  all  over the  country. Cooperation  is  very  important for  students'
          learning  process  because  if  it  does  not  work  properly,  the  process  will  be

          thwarted.  Therefore,  to  smooth  up  the  operation,  representatives  in  the  regions

          are  needed  to  help  provide  services  to  students  living  all  over  the  country.  UT
          would  not  be  able  to  provide  optimal  services  without  help  from  regional

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