Page 271 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 271

supervisors:  Rector  of  Universitas  Sam  Ratulangi  and  Rector  of  IKIP  Manado.
             UPBJJ  Medan  has  two  supervisors:  Rector  of  Universitas  Sumatera  Utara  and

             Rector  of  IKIP  Medan.  UPBJJ  Padang  has  two  supervisors : Rector  of Universitas
             Andalas  and  Rector  of  IKIP  Padang .  UPBJJ  Jakarta  has  two  supervisors : Rector

             of  Universitas  Indonesia  and  Rector  of IKIP  Jakarta.  Supervisor for  UPBJJ  Bogor
             is  the  Head  of Education  and  Culture  Office  of  West  Java  Province  because  the

             Rector  of  lnstitut Pertanian  Bogor  did  not  support  distance  education  system. As

             there  was  no  university  in  Dili,  supervisor  for  UPBJJ  Dili  was  the  Governor  of
             Timor Timur  (now  Timor Leste).
                  When  this  article  was  written ,  a  Head  of  UPBJJ  was  recommended  by  the

             supervising  rector. In  each  capital  of province - and  other  cities where  there  was
             a university - an  UPBJJ  was  established  as  a  technical  implementation  unit  and

             was  responsible  to  the  Rector  of  UT.  In  carrying  out  the  tasks, a Head  of  UPBJJ
             coordinated  and  cooperated  with  leaders  of  local  universities.  UPBJJ  was

             responsible  for  carrying  out  face-to-face  learning  programs,  implementing
             distance  trainings  for  tutors ,  providing  learning  and  academic  administration

             services , distributing  learning  materials  to  students,  administering  examinations
             and  practices ,  sending  test  results  to  students ,  giving  out  certificates,  and

             facilitating  student  activities .  In  general,  all  Head  Office's  and  UPBJJ's  tasks
             could  be  done  by  staff  at  UPBJJ.  Because  they  were  supported  by  operational

             guidelines  which  were  made  as  simple  as  possible  to  make  it  easy  for  staff  to
             provide  services  to  UT's students .

             Concept of  UPBJJ and  UT's  policies

                  From  year  to  year,  UT  keeps  improving  its  management  system.  The

             responsibility in  running  UPBJJ, which  was  previously  in  a hand  of a few  leaders ,

             is  now  shared  among  more  UPBJJ's staff.

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