Page 262 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 262

Participation  in  Escorting  2004  General  Election  for  Economic  Growth  and
               Jobless  Solution" .

            •   Joining  the  meeting  for  establishing  and  inaugurating  the  board  members  of
               the  Indonesian  Distance  Education  Profession  Association  (APJJI).
            •   Printing  leaflets about  IKA-UT for socialization.

            •   Making  banners  for the  UT  20 h  Anniversary
            •   Socializing  by  cooperating  with  PT  lndotama  Mandiri  Perkasa  for  the

               publication  of the  UT  20 h  Anniversary in  Media  Indonesia Newspaper.
            •   Making  announcements  through  TVRI  in  the  form  of  running  text  about  IKA-

               UT  informing  all  UT  graduates  to  join  the  UT  Alumni  Association  in  the  UT
               Regional  Office  in  Indonesia  on  Interactive Dialogue  Program .

            2005  period

            This year IKA-UT central  office conducted  some  activities such  as  the  following.

            •   Making  a  proposal  for  One  Day  Seminar  to  the  Minister  of  Internal  Affairs
               about  "Direct  Election  for  the  Heads  of  Regional  Districts:  A  Mandate  to
               Reform  towards  Establishment of Democracy".

            •  Attending  APJJI  board  meeting.
            •   Making  banners.

            •  Congratulating  graduates  in  UT  and  inaugurating  the  2005  APPJJI  board

            •  Acting  as  the  Committee  of One-Day  Seminar at  Kartika  Chandra  Hotel  about
               "Distance  Education  System  in  Indonesia".
            •  Conducting  Talk  Show  Komunika  UT-TVRI  episode  2  about  "Indonesian


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