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MPBI5303 – Innovations In ELT

A. Gumawang Jati

  • Edisi 1 / 3 SKS / 9 Modul
  • 348 Halaman: ilustrasi; 21 cm
  • ISBN : 9786023922192 / E-ISBN : 9786023922208
  • Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2018
  • DDC [23] 371.3

MPBIS303 Innovation in Language Teaching discusses the basic knowledge principles, and key concepts of innovation in English language teaching and information management to the domain of language teaching and learning, in order for the students to be able to adapt their language teaching theories and methodologies to account for the emerging changes of environments, taking learners needs into account so that they are able to accommodate surch learning needs by making use of modern technology and to develop their ability to manage changes in their teaching to choose effective techniques The course covers the types of innovations in teaching English covering the teaching of listening, speaking,reading, and writing, as well as in making use of electronic materials. It also provides the students with models of teaching scenarios incorporating technology from which they can adopt.

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