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IEEKMA4315 – Cost Accounting


  • 1st Edition / 3 SKS / 9 Modules
  • 382 Pages: ilustration; 27 cm
  • ISBN
  • Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2023
  • DDC Classification [23]

The Printed Materials IEEKMA4315 Cost Accounting can help the companies to escalate the competitive advantage across industries: manufacturing, commerce, or service. This printed material IEEKMA4315 Cost Accounting discusses the concept and theory of Cost Accounting as  well the application in the companies which put interest on manufacture companies due to its most complex characteristic. The material provided in this Printed Materials IEEKMA4315 Cost Accounting including the basic concept of cost, analysis of the behavioral cost activities, cost accounting cycle, cost system, the accumulation method of cost based on order and process, quality cost and production loss accounting, the determination of joint product and by-product costing, and the planning and control of raw materials, labors, and the overhead cost determination.

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