MPBI5101 – Critical Reading And Writing

Joyce Merawati, Indiana Ayu Alwasilah, Nita Novianti, Erik Pratama, Iis Sulyaningsih, Ignadius Harjanto, Restu Dessy Maulida
Edisi 1 / 3 SKS / Modul 1-9
513 hal.: ill.; 21 cm.
ISBN 9786023920785
Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2016

DDC 23: 418.4

MPBI5101 Critical and Reading coursebook will guide the students to have the ability to read and write critically. This includes the abilities to: sumarize accurately an argument, locate the assumptions ( stated and unstated), evaluate the strength of the evidence and the soundness of the reasoning offered in support of the thesis, and account for the for discrepancies among various reading on a topic. The students are also expected to be able to blend the results of theirreading with their background knowledge to identify and solve problems by means of conducting thorough research. Then they have the abilities to present informastion in an orderly and coherent way, realize their own assumptions, locate and incorporate source into their own writing, and develop a thoughtful written argument in their research reports.

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