Page 205 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 205

registration  forms  filled  out  by  the  students  were  processed  using  the  computer
           scanning  system  centrally  managed  by  the  Registration  Division.  In  this  new
           processing  system,  for  those  students  requesting  purchase  order  of  the  learning

           materials,  UT  would  issue  the  learning  materials  package  label  containing
           student  identification  number,  address ,  and  the  ordered  learning  materials.

           Based  on  this  learning  materials  label, the  Distribution  Center would  prepare  and
           pack  the  learning  materials  and  send  them  out  to  the  students'  individual

           addresses  in  all  over islands of Indonesia via  postal  service.
                 With  the  support  of  the  Post  Office,  which  has  branch  offices  in  almost  all

           sub-districts  (Kecamatan)  in  Indonesia,  UT  was  optimistic  that  the  distribution
           system  could  run  well.  In  fact,  the  distribution  of  the  learning  materials  did  not

           run  smoothly  as  expected.  The  complexity  of  the  new  operations  system  with  a
           very  short  time  of  preparation  along  with  the  limited  availability  of  computer

           facilities  and  human  resource  abilities  owned  by  UT  during  that  time  caused  the
           new  system  not  to  operate  well  as  already  planned . The  short period  of time  for

           preparation  also  had  impact  on  the  lack  of socialization  of the  new  system  to  the
           Regional  Offices  and  particularly  to  the  students.  Many  students  were  not  yet

           ready  to  adapt to  the  new  computer-based  operations  system . This  could  be  seen
           from  the  incidence  of the  students'  mistakes  when  they  filled  out  the  registration

           forms. Filling  the  scan  able  registration  form  using  the  28 type  pencils was  a new
           experience  to  many  of  the  students,  so  that  there  were  a  lot  of  incidences  of

           mistakes  in  filling  out  the  registration  form .  As  the  result,  the  students'
           registration  data  could  not  be  processed  quickly.  The  lack  of  readiness  on  the

           part  of  UT  in  anticipating  the  students'  incidences  of mistakes,  in  an  unimagined
           number,  had  consequences  on  the  timeliness  of  the  delivery  of  the  learning

           materials to  the  students.
                Some  constraints  in  the  delivery  of  the  learning  materials  to  the  students

           were  also  due  to  the  incomplete  addresses  of the  students  and  the  limited  ability

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