Page 207 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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during  the  UT  life  as  an  open  university  institution.  If  this  condition  happened
           continuously, it would  seriously affect UT  sustainability in  the  future.

                Beginning  the  registration  period  of  1987-2  {the  academic  year  of
           1987/1988),  the  UT  top  management  decided  to  change  the  UT  operations

           system ,  including  change  in  the  learning  materials  distribution  system  through
           the  newly  improved  registration  system  called  "sistem  registrasi  baru  yang

           disempurnakan". The  registration  and  examination  period  became  twice  a year  as
           implemented  in  the  previous  system.  The  change  in  the  distribution  system  was

           that  the  learning  materials  no  longer  directly  sent  to  individual  students'
           addresses.  The  UT  Headquarters  empowered  Regional  Offices  (UPBJJ)  to  play

           greater  roles  in  the  distribution  of  the  learning  materials  sent  to  the  Regional
           Offices.  The  students  were  not  obliged  to  buy  the  learning  materials.  The

           students  wishing  to  buy  the  learning  materials  could  get  the  materials  in  two
           ways.  They  could  directly  buy  the  course  materials  in  Regional  Offices,  or  for

           those  living  far  away  from  the  Regional  Offices ,  they  can  order  the  materials
           through  the  Post  Office.  Ordering  the  course  materials  through  the  Post  Office

           could  be  done  by  filling  the  order  form  and  paying  the  course  materials  fees
           using  special  postal  clearing  for  purchasing  the  materials.  The  form  and  postal

           clearing  had  to  be  sent  to  the  respective  Regional  Office,  which  would  then  send
           the  course  materials  to  the  student's  address.  However, this  orde_ring  system  by

           Post  Office  created  a  new  problem  for  the  Regional  Offices,  because  they
           needed  additional  budget  to  send  the  course  materials  to  the  students.  Finally,

           many  students  living  far  away  from  Regional  Offices  preferred  to  buy  the  course
           materials  in  groups  and  they  sent  one  of  them  to  come  to  the  Regional  Office  or

           the  UT  Headquarters to  get the  course  materials.
                The  consequence  of  the  change  was  that  the  UT  Headquarters  had  to

           provide  all  the  course  materials  in  each  of  the  Regional  Offices  in  accordance
           with  the  number  of  the  students  catered  by  the  Regional  Office.  The  Regional

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