Page 202 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 202

seeking  the  right ideal format for the  UT  operational  system . During  this  period  of

             time, there  were  two  changes  in  student  registration  system  that  directly  related
             to  the  learning  materials  distribution  system . Even  it  can  be  said that  one  of  the

             important  considerations  in  underlying  the  changes  in  the  student  registration
             system  was  the  learning  materials distribution.

                  In  ~he  first  year  of  UT  operation ,  in1984/1985,  there  was  almost  no
             constraint  in  distributing  the  learning  materials  to  the  students.  Student
             registration  was  done  once  a  year.  The  number  of  the  student  accepted  in  the

             first  year  was  54.035  students  out  of  approximately  260 .000  applicants.  The

             courses  were  offered  in  semester  learning  package  for four  Study  Programs,  i.e.
             Economics    and    Development    Study,    Public   Administration ,   Business
             Administration ,  and  Applied  Statistics.  Every  semester,  each  of  the  Study

             Programs  offered  five  courses  that were  divided  into  two  learn ing  packages. The

             first  learning  package  contained  three  general  courses  (taken  by  all  Study
             Programs) ,  and  the  second  learning  package  contained  two  courses  of  the
             respective  field  of  study.  Thus,  during  the  first  year  of  operation,  UT  offered

             only  five  different  learning  material  packages  per  semester,  consisting  of  one
             general  learning  package  and  four  specific  learning  packages  for  the  Study

             Programs.  The  total  number  of  courses  offered  in  the  first  year  was  eighteen
             courses.  The  distribution  of  the  learning  material  packages  to  the  students  was

             carried  out  in  two  stages,  i.e.  in  the  beginning  of  the  semester  for  the  first

             package  and  in  the  middle of semester for the  second  package.
                  The  state-owned  postal  servic'e  Perum  Pos  dan  Giro  (now  PT  Pos
             Indonesia)  has  been  the  first  institution cooperating  with  UT  in the  distribution  of
             the  learning  materials.  The  learning  materials  are  assembled  and  packed  in  the

             UT  Head  Office  and  distributed  to  selected  Post  Offices,  in accordance  with  the
             number  of  students  registered  in  each  region.  In  the  first  year,  UT  conducted

             selection  process  for  new  students,  so  that  UT  have  the  information  to  provide

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