Page 197 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 197

13. Corrective action of internal  audit findings.
           14. Verification  of corrective action  of  internal  audit findings.
           15. Management Review  Meeting

           16. External  pre-assessment/pre-audit
           17. Corrective action  of pre-assessment findings

           18. Verification  of corrective  action  of pre-assessment findings.
           19. External  certification  audit
           20. Corrective  action  of external  certification find ings.

           21 . Drafting  budget plan  of activities for attaining  ISO  9001:2000

           Regional  Office

                The  steps  to  attain  ISO  9001 :2000  for  the  Regional  Office  have  been  a long

           journey  as  the  continual  improvement  process  to  be  conducted  in  11  Regional
           Offices  required  effective  coordination  and  deeper  concentration  due  to  their
           scattered  locations.  This  challenge,  of  course,  would  not  prevent  the  decisive

           effort  to  maintain  quality  and  attain  the  recognition  on  quality  management

           standards  from  a credible  certification  body . In  2007,  11  Regional  Offices  of UT
           have  been  certified  with  ISO  9001 :2000 .
                In  the  following  years ,  further  effort  is  done  to  improve  the  quality

           management  system  in  more  areas  of  UT  main  business  processes.  Since  the

           beginning  of  2008 ,  ISO  9001 :2000  certificate  has  been  awarded  in  the  area  of
           academic  administration  services  as  part  of  the  effort  to  assure  the  quality  of
           registration  and  academic  services  to  students .  Preparation  for  ISO  9001 :2000

           certification  in  2008  is  underway  for  the  management  and  partnership  and

           promotion  in  UT  Headquarters  and  for  distance  learning  services  in  14  Regional
           Offices , i.e. ,  (1)  Medan,  (2)  Pangkalpinang ,  (3)  Jambi,  (4)  Bengkulu ,  (5)  Bandar
           Lampung ,  (6)  Serang ,  (7)  Surakarta,  (8)  Denpasar,  (9)  Palu ,  (10)  Kendari,  (11 )

           Manado,  (12)  Gorontalo,  (13)  Makassar,  and  (14)  Jember.  Considering  the

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