Page 194 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 194

Regional  Office  Striving  Towards

              ISO 9001:2000

                   One  of the  key  success  factors  of  UT  in  serving  students  and  improving  UT
             image  rests  in  the  hands  of  the  Regional  Office.  UT  leadership  and  all  the  staff

             both  in  the  Regional  Office  and  the  UT  Headquarters  are  fully  aware  of  this
             situation,  and  it  is  this  awareness  that  encourages  UT  to  empower  and

             encourage  Regional  Offices  to  attain  ISO  9001 :2000  certification . Attainment  of
             ISO  9001 :2000  standards  by  the  Regional  Office,  the  objective  of  which  is  to

             ensure  that  they  will  provide  better services  to  students, has  been  a tedious  and
             difficult process to  accomplish .
                   Preparation  for  ISO  9001 :2000  certification  of  Regional  Offices  was

             initiated  with  the  establishment  of  a  Team  for  Attaining  ISO  9001 :2000  for  the

             Regional' Office ,  stipulated  in  the  Rector  Letter  of  Decision.  Eleven  Regional
             Offices  were  nominated  to  attain  ISO  9001 :2000  certification  in  2007,  including
             the  Regional  Offices  of  Jakarta,  Boger,  Bandung ,  Semarang,  Purwokerto,

             Yogyakarta,  Surabaya,  Malang,  Palembang,  Padang ,  and  Pontianak.  The  Team

             preparing  the  attainment of ISO  9001 :2000  certification  for  the  Regional  Office  is
             established  by  the  Rector  Letter  of  Decision  Number  941/J31/KEP/2005  of  23
             December  2005.  The  Team,  under  coordination  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Quality

             Assurance  Centre, was  chaired  by  Vice  Rector Ill, with  members  representing  the

             relevant  operational  units,  namely  the  Regional  Office,  LPBAUSI,  BAAPM ,
             Examination  Centre,  Learning  Materials  Service  Centre,  and  BAUK.  The  Team
             started  working  intensively  in  early  2006 .  Six  months  later,  due  to  the  revision

             regarding  the  members,  through  the  Rector  Letter  of  Decision  Number
             2680/J31/KEP/2006  of  26  June  2006,  the  Team  was  revised  and  its

             Chairmanships  and  Memberships  were  broadened.  The  new  Team  consisted  of
             Steering  Committee  with  the  Rector  as  Chairman  and  Vice  Rectors , Deans , Head

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