Page 195 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 195

of Bureaus, and  Heads  of Institutes. Meanwhile, for the  Working  Committee , Vice
           Rector  Ill  and  the  Head  of  Quality  Assurance  Centre  served  as  Management

           Representative.  Implementation  of  the  program  was  chaired  by  Vice  Rector  Ill
           with  the  Head  of Learn ing  Materials  Service  Centre  served  as  the  Vice  Chairman .

                Based  on  the  activities conducted  by  Regional  Offices  (UPBJJ), some  areas
           of activities were  determined  in  the  quality management system .

           •   Socialisation , publication , and  marketing.
           •   Students' recruitment and  registration .

           •   Delivery of learning  materials to  students.
           •   Implementation  of  face-to-face  tutorial  (other  types  of  tutorials  are  provided

              by  Faculty).
           •   Implementation  of practice  (internship) and  practicum

           •   Examination    administration   (preparation ,   implementation,    delivery/
              consignment of the  results  to  Examination  Centre  in  UT  Headquarters).
           •   Marking  of  examination  papers  (essay-type  tests),  practicum  and  internship

              report, and  final  assignment.

           •   Implementation of cooperation  (especially with  local  government).
           •   Development of alumni  and  student activities.
           •   Handling  complaints  of students  and  other service  users.

           •   Finance  and  administration  systems, including  sales  of learning  materials  and

              other UT  attributes.
           •   Personnel  development and  supervision .
           •   Utilization of facilities , infrastructures and  ICT.

           •   Graduation  ceremony  and  conferring  of certificate/diploma .

              With  the  number  of  Regional  Offices  to  be  prepared  for  ISO  9001 :2000

           certification,  and  bearing  in  mind  the  comprehensive  scope  of  activities
           determined  in  the  quality  management  system,  the  Team  for  Attaining  ISO

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