Page 198 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 198

importance  of improving  the  quality  of  occupational  health  and  safety,  intensive

             preparation  is  also  conducted  for  OHSAS  18000:2007  in  2008.  Financial
             management  is  also  given  a  serious  attention  with  the  preparation  for  audit  to

             secure  a government  statement  of  Wajar  Tanpa  Pengecualian,  meaning  that  UT
             has  a sound  fi nancial  management  system .

                   For the  year  2009, it  is  expected  that  the  remaining  12  Regional  Offices  will
             be  awarded  ISO  9001:2000,  i.e.,  (1)  Banda  Aceh,  (2)  Pekanbaru ,  (3)  Mataram,

             (4)  Palangkaraya ,  (5)  Banjarmasin ,  (6)  Samarinda,  (7)  Kupang ,  (8)  Ambon,  (9)
             Ternate,  (1 0)  Jayapura,  (11)  Batam,  and  (12)  Majene.  Step-wise  preparation  is

             also  being  done  to  improve  the  quality of information technology services through
             implementing  the  ISO  20000  Information  Technology  Service  Management  (ITSM)

             (Zuhairi  & Nugraheni,  2008) .


                   UT  effort  to  attain  international  recognition  through  certification  of  quality
             management  system  in  distance  education  and  the  implementation  of  quality

             management  standards  is  not  an  end  in itself,  but  instead  it is  an  instrument  for
             structuring  the  management  system  and  a comprehensive  approach  to  improving

             the  quality  of performance.  Through  the  ass-essment  parameter determined  by  an
             internationally accrediting  organisation , the  management process  implemented  by

             UT  can  be  triggered  and  directed  to  achieve  international  standards . Therefore,
             UT  can  achieve  its  vision  to  be  "one  of the  centres  of excellence  among  distance

             higher  education  institutions  in  Asia  by  2010  and  in  the  world  by  2020".  These
             efforts  will  never  yield  significant  achievement  unless  all  members  of  the

             university  community  are  committed  to  support these  efforts  for  continual  quality

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