Page 201 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 201

students  according  to  the  schedule.  The  timeliness of receiving  the  materials  by
            the  students will  ascertain the  success  of the  UT  students  in  their studies.

                 The  timeline  for  the  distance  students  to  receive  the  learning  materials
            must  be  carefully  calculated  to  allow  students  to  have  enough  time  to  study  so

            that  the  students  will  have  better learning achievement.
                 The  main  constraint  in  the  distribution  of  the  learning  materials  is  the

            students'  address ,  which  is  separately  located  in  all  over  Indonesia.  The
            distribution  of  the  learning  materials  must  involve  the  use  of  different  kinds  of

            transportations,  such  as  by  land,  sea,  and  air.  Not  all  means  of  transportation
            can  be  relied  on  in  sending  the  learning  materials  quickly  to  reach  each  of  the

            students'  addresses . Furthermore, there  are  a large  number of learning  materials
            and  other  supporting  materials  that  have  to  be  managed  (accepted  and  sent)

            carefully.   Confronted  with  such  constraints  and  challenges  UT  has  always
            attempted  continually  improve  the  learning  materials  distribution  system  and  try

            to  implement  the  best  and  most  efficient  system  in  order  to  ensure  that  the
            students  can  get  the  learning  materials  on  time  and  in  accordance  with  the

            courses they  take .
                 Since  it  was  founded  in  September  1984,  the  UT  learning  materials

            distribution  system  has  gone  through  several  changes  or  improvement.  These
            changes  were  in  accordance  with  meeting  the  changing  requirements  of the  UT

            operational  system.

            F luctuating  P e riod  (1984-1989)

                 The  period  of  1984-1.989  was  highly  dynamic  for  UT,  because  its

           operational  system  has  underwent  a  lot  of  changes ,  and  so  did  the  learning
           materials  distribution  system.  The  first  five  year  period  of  UT  operation  was
           critical  for  the  future  development  of  UT.  That  period  constituted  a  period  of

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