Page 204 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 204

in  line  with  the  maximum  available  examination  schedule  every  semester.  A

              fundamental  change  related  to  the  learning  materials  is  that  the  students  are  not
              obliged  to  buy  the  learning  materials.  The  students  can  buy  the  learning

      in  groups,  so  that the  tuition fees  become  relatively cheaper.
                   The  change  in  the  course  offering system  resulted  in  fundamental  change  in

              the  learning  materials distribution system.  The  students  no  longer had  to  pick  the
              learning  materials  in  the  Post  Offices,  and  instead  the  UT  Head  Office  directly

              sent  the  learning  materials  to  the  students'  addresses  according  to  the  students'
              order  requests.  UT  has  maintained  cooperation  with  the  Post  Office  in  the

              delivery of the  learning  materials to  the  students.
                   The  students  interested  in  buying  the  learning  materials  were  requested  to

              make  a  purchase  order  by  filling  out  the  prescribed  column  in  the  registration
             form.  Payment  for  the  purchase  of  the  learning  materials  could  be  done  in  the

              Post  Office  by  special  postal  clearing  for  the  learning  materials  which  was
              separated  from  the  postal  clearing  for  tuition  fee  payment.  The  receipts  of  the

              postal  clearing  for  the  learning  materials  payment  together  with  the  registration
             form  were  sent  to  the  UT  Headquarters  for  further  processing.  Once  the

              registration  form  was  received  and  processed  in  the  UT  Headquarters,  the
             learning  materials  were  then  sent  out  to  the  students'  individual  addresses  in

             according  to  their  purchase  orders.  With  this  new  distribution  system , there  was
             no  longer  piling  of the  learn ing  materials  in  the  Post  Offices  as  happened  in  the

             previous  year. However, this  did  not mean  that the  problem  was  totally overcome,
             as  there  appeared  new  problems  beyond  prediction .

                   The  fundamental  change  of  the  operations  system  demanded  readiness  of
             computer  hardware  and  software  and  the  human  resources,  including  the

             students'  readiness  in  adapting  to  this  new  system .  In  the  new  operations
             system ,  all  registration  forms  and  student  identification  number  were  modified

             according  to  the  new  requirements  for  the  student  data  computerization .  The

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