Page 209 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 209

Consolidation  Period  (1990-1999)

                  During  the  period  of  1990-1999,  no  significant  change  took  place  in  the
           UT  learning  materials  distribution  system .  The  system  was  continually

           refurbished  in  order  to  perform  better with  gradual  changes. The  flexibility  of  the
           system  was  developed  in  terms  of variations  in  order  to  accommodate  the  needs

           of  the  Program  for  In-service  Primary  Teacher  Education  students.  This  period
           was  also  marked  with  the  drastically  increasing  number  of  students

           (approximately  400 ,000  students  in  1996/1997),  as  the  effect  of  the  opening  of
           the  Diploma  II  Program  for  In-service  Primary  School  Teachers (PGSD)  beginning

           in  the  academic year  1990/1991  and  of other new  Study  Programs  as  well.
                  Learning  from  the  previous  experiences,  particularly  in  managing  the

           registration  and  distribution  of  the  course  materials ,  the  Diploma  II  PGSD
           Program  designed  differently  from  the  regular  programs.  In  the  PGSD  Program ,

           the  courses  offered  in  a  semester  learning  package,  initially  it  offered  for  6
           semesters,  and  then  shortened  into  5  semesters.  Every  student  of  the  PGSD

           Program  got  the  course  material ,  because  the  course  material  was  included  in
           the  tuition  fee.

                However,  for  the  students  of  PGSD  Program  Project  sponsored  by  the
           Directorate  General  of  Primary  and  Secondary  Education  (Ditjen  Dikdasmen) ,

           they  had  to  pass  the  course  materials  on  to  the  students  registering  in  the
           following  year.  For  the  first  cohort  of  students  of  the  Project,  the  learning

           materials  package  was  intended  for  one  student.  However,  for  the  following
           student  cohorts,  the  learning  materials  package  was  intended  for  two  to  three

           students,  so  that  not  every  student  could  get  the  complete  learning  materials
           package.  The  remaining  course  materials  could  then  be  obtained  from  the

           students  of  previous  cohorts  who  had  passed  the  examination .  This  mechanism
          was  difficult  to  implement.  In  terms  of  operations,  the  UT  had  difficulties  in

          controlling  the  distribution  of  the  course  materials  for  the  sponsored  students ,

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