Page 208 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 208

Offices  had  to  have  spaces  for  the  warehouse  of  the  course  materials  and

              applied  a  new  administration  and  warehousing  system  in  order  to  give  the  best
              services  to  the  students .  In  this  way,   UT  improved  the  learning  materials

              distribution  services  to  the  students . This  improved  system  was  reflected  in  the
              low  frequency  of  complaints  and  the  gradual  increase  in  the  number  of  student

                   However,  the  main  constraint  appeared  to  be  in  ensuring  that  there  was

              enough  supply  of  the  course  materials  in  every  Regional  Office.  The  UT
              Headquarters  had  difficulties  in  predicting  the  students'  need  of  the  course

              materials  in  every  Regional  Office  precisely,  because  the  students  were  not
              obliged  to  buy  the  course  materials.  However,  the  UT  Headquarters  had  to

              provide  enough  supply  of  the  course  materials  in  every  Regional  Office  as  many
              as  the  total  number  of  registering  students  in  every  Study  Program .  Th is  often

              caused  problems  in  the  piling  up  of  stock  for  certain  courses, while  some  other
              courses  may  have  run  out  of stock.   The  UT  learning  materials  were  used  not

              only  by  the  UT  students  but  also  many  other  university  students.  Besides, there
              was  a  tendency  that  students  would  register  and  buy  the  course  materials

              towards  the  end  of the  closing  date  of  registration  in  each  semester, so  that  the
              Regional  Offices  ran  out  of  the  course  materials  during  that  period  of  time .  It

              took  about  two  to  three  weeks  to  order  the  course  materials  from  UT
              Headquarters  and  get  the  materials  sent  to  the  Regional  Office  on  the  condition

              that  there  were  stock  of  learning  materials  available  in  the  Head  Office
              Distribution  Centre.  This  time  constraint  made  the  time  shorter for  the  students

              to  study the  materials.

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