Page 210 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 210

because  the  printing  and  delivery  of  the  course  materials  were  administered  by

              Ditjen  Dikdasmen  under  the  Division  of  In-service  Primary  Teacher  Upgrading
              (PGSD)  Project.  It was  found  that  there  were  a lot  of PGSD  students  who  did  not

              get the  course  materials  so  that this  affected the  student learn ing  ach ievement.
                   With  the  implementation  of  the  Law  on  Regional  Autonomy  and  Financial

              Balance  between  the  Central  and  Regional  Government,  taking   into  effect  in
              1999,  the  funding  for  students  in  the  Diploma  II  PGSD  Program  was  no  longer

              allocated  through  the  Office  of  Ditjen  Dikdasmen,  but  instead  by  the
              District/Municipal  and  Provincial  government.   Since  then,  the  printing  and

              distribution  of  the  course  materials  for  the  students  of  PGSD  Program  Project
              were  administered  by  UT,  like  regular  self-financing  UT  students.  Every  student

              obtained  a  set  of  learning  materials  package  before  the  beg inning  of  every

                   Consolidation  in  the  distribution  of  the  course  materials  was  continuously
              conducted , and  the  effort was  to  develop  computer  application  beginning  in  1998

              for the  regular  program , and  in  2000  for  the  PGSD  Program.

              The  Period  o f  Using  Computer
              Appl ication  (2000-2005)

                   The  period  of  2000-2004  was  marked  with  the  use  of  computer  application

              in  managing  the  distribution  of  the  course  material  not  only  in  UT  Headquarters
              but  also  in  Regional  Offices.  The  use  of  computer  application  became
              unavoidable  need  for  UT  because  the  significantly  increasing  number  of  course

              materia ls  to  be  distributed .  More  than  1000  different  kinds  of  course  materials

              and  their  academic  supplements,  or  approximately  one  million  sets  of  course
              materials  were  to  be  distributed  to  students  every  year.  Without  accurate  data,
              there  would  be  a  lot  of  constraints  in  the  procurement  and  distribution  of  the

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