Page 214 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 214

The  Printed  Course  Material  Production  Center  (PPBAC)  develops  the  print

              master  of  the  course  materials  and  the  Multi  Media  Production  Center  (P2M2)
              prepares  the  non-printed  master of the  course  materials.  BAUK  is  responsible  for

              the  printing  of  the  course  materials,  using  subcontracted  companies.  It took  two
              to  three  weeks  to  print the  course  materials since  the  letter of printing  order was

              issued.  Then  the  printing  results  were  handed  over  to  the  Distribution  Center  for
              storage  and  preparation  for distribution. With  the  regular meeting  for determining

              of the  printing  quota  and  involving  all  related  units,  the  printing  volumes  of  the
              course  materials  could  be  controlled  effectively  so  that  wastage  in  printing  the
              course  materials  could  be  prevented .  This  could  avoid  the  piling  up  of  the

              course  materials  in  the  warehouse  and  prevent  excessive  cost  of  printing  in

              certain period  of time.

              Below:  Preparation  of mas ter for the printe d  learning mate rials .

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