Page 216 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 216

The  delivery  of  the  course  materials  from  the  UT  Head  Office  to  the
              Regional  Offices  used  the  UT  own  vehicles,  especially  for  those  located  on  the

              islands  of Java, Bali , Lombok, and  in  South  Sumatra . While  for  other  regions , the
              delivery  used  the  Post  Office  services.  Based  on  the  considerations  of  delivery

              cost  and  timeliness , the  delivery  of the  learning  materials  gradually  handed  over
              to  private freight-forwarder  services.

                   All  the  delivery  steps,  starting  from  creating  the  DO  until  delivering  the
              course  materials  recorded  in  the  computer, so  the  stock  of the  course  materials

              in  the  UT  Headquarters  Center  could  be  identified  every  time  it was  needed.  The
              stock  of  the  course  materials  in  Regional  Offices  could  be  identified  from  the

              monthly reports received  by  the  UT  Headquarters from  the  Regional  Offices. With
              the  application  of  the  computerized  system  in  the  management  of  learning

              materials  in  the  Regional  Offices,  the  ordering  and  reporting  of  stock  of  the
              course  materials  could  be  done  automatically.

                   The  computerization  in  the  management  of  the  course  materials  required
              regular  updating  of data  immediately  after every  transaction  of activities .  Delay

              in  updating  of the  data  would  cause  inconsistency  between  the  data  stored  in  the
              computer  and  the  real  stock  available  in  the  warehouse.  Updating  the  computer

              programs  and  improving  the  human  resource  competencies  were  carried  out

                   Beginning  in  2004,  improvement  of  the  application  system  for  the  course
              materials  distribution  was  conducted.  The  outdated  distribution  application  based

              on  the  FoxPro  Database  System  was  changed  into  Sybase  Database  System .
              The  advantage  of  this  new  system  was  that  the  Sybase  had  larger  capacities  so

              that  the  processing  of  the  course  material  distribution  services  could  be
              conducted  faster  and  more  reliable.   The  migration  into  the  new  application

              system  for  the  course  materials  distribution  began  in  2004,  starting  with  the
              regular course  materials  (non-elementary education)  and  then  followed  by  course

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