Page 217 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 217

materials  for  the  PGSD  (In-service  Teacher  Education)  program.  During  the
          migration  period  to  the  new  application  in  2004 , the  learning  material  services  in

          the  UT  Headquarters  were  carried  using  two  separate  applications ,  that  is,  the
          new  application  was  for  regular  study  programs ,  and  the  old  application  for

          Primary  Education  Study  Program .  In  2005,  the  learning  materials  services  had
          already used  the  new distribution application  system  for all  study programs.

                There  were  constraints  during  the  migration  process  into  the  new
          application,  particularly  related  to  consistency  of  stock  data  between  the  one  in

          the  warehouse  and  that in  the  computer.  Additionally,  there  were  also  constraints
          in  operating the  new  application,  starting from  the  process  of making  the  Printing

          Order  Letter,  goods  receiving,  and  issuing  the  delivery  order  to  printing  the
          delivery  letter  (UT03).  However,  thanks  to  the  hard-working  staff  and  good

          cooperation  between  the  Distribution  Center,  the  Computer  Center  and  other
          related  units,  the  UT  could  overcome  all  those  constraints.  With  the  new

          application  system  for  the  course  material  distribution,  the  process  of  learning
          material  services ,  including  determining  of  printing  quota,  making  letter  of

          printing  order,  receiving  of  the  learning  material ,  warehousing ,  making  delivery
          order,  assembling  and  delivering  the  course  materials,  and  reporting  could  be

          done  faster and  more  accurately.
               The  improvement of the  course  material  services  not only  done  by  replacing

          the  application,  but  also  by  restructuring  the  organization  along  with  the  changes
          of UT  organization.  In  April  2004, UT  implemented  the  new  organization  structure
          based  on  Decision  of  the  Minister  of  national  Education  Number  123/0/2004

          dated  October  6, 2004, replacing  the  preceding  organizational  structure  based  on

          the  Decision  of  the  Minister  Number  168/0/1995.   The  Distribution  Center
          became  one  of restructured  unit.  The  new  name  is  the  Learning  Material  Service
          Center  (Pusat  Layanan  Bahan  Ajar/Puslaba),  and  the  position  of the  Head  of  the

          Division  has  been  changed  into  Coordinator.  There  were  four  Divisions  and  one

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