Page 218 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 218

Administration  Subdivision  in  the  preceding  organizational  structure .  This  has
              been  restructured  into  three  Coordinators  and  one  Administration  Subdivision.

              The  three  Coordinators  are  Warehouse  Coordinator,  Delivery  Coordinator,  and
              Distribution  Information  System  Coordinator.  The  Packaging  Division  in  the

              previous  structure  was  reduced  and  the  job  and  function  were  merged  in  the
              Warehouse  and  Delivery  Coordinator.  In  the  old  organizational  structure,  the

              Distribution  Center  was  directly  under  responsibility  of  the  Rector,  and  in  its

              daily  activities  it  was  supervised  by  Vice  Rector  Ill  (Operations).  In  the  new
              structure,  the  Learning  Material  Service Center  is  under  the  coordination  of  the
              newly  established  Institute  of  the  Development  of  Learning  Materials,

              Examination ,  and  Information  System  (Lembaga  Pengembangan  Bahan  Ajar,
              Ujian  dan  Sistem  lnformasi/LPBAUSI),  along  with  other  Centers  within  the

              Institute,  including  the  Printed  Learning  Materials  Production  Center  (Pusat
              Produksi  Bahan  Ajar  Cetak/PPBAC) ,  the  Non-Printed  Learning  Materials

              Production  Center  (Pusat  Produksi  Bahan  Ajar  Non  Cetak/PPBANC),  the
              Examination  Center  (Pusat  Pengujian/Pusjian)  and  the  Computer  Center  (Pusat

              Komputer/Puskom) .  In  the  new  structure,  the  Delivery  Order  (DO)  for  course
              materials  is  no  longer  issued  by  the  Bureau  for  General  Administration  and

              Finance  (BAUK) ,  but  by  LPBAUSI.  All  requests  for  course  materials  from
              Regional  Offices  must  be  addressed  to  LPBAUSI  and  the  stock control  and  sales

              of the  learning  materials  in  Regional  Offices  is  carried  out  by  LPBAUSI.  In  brief,
              the  business  process  of  the  learning  material  services  in  the  new  organization

              structure  can  be  seen  in  Figure  1.

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