Page 212 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 212

Good  management  required  regular  calculation  and  stocktaking  of  the

              course  materials,  and  the  transfer  of  course  material  payment  from  Regional
              Office  to  the  Headquarters.  Irregular  stocktaking  and  transfer  of  payment  had

              effect on  the  effective distribution of the  learning  materials  to  Regional  Offices.
              The  UT  Head  Office, in  this  case  the  Administration  and  Finance  Bureau  (BAUK)

              that  held  the  authority  in  controlling  the  cou.rse  material  stocks  and  financial
              management  in  Regional  Offices,  would  not  fulfi ll  the  order  of  the  course

              materials  in  Regional  Offices  if they  had  was  enough  stock.  This  decision  was
              based  on  the  stock  report  and  the  transfer  of  the  sales  payment.  One  of  the
              efforts  to  improve  the  management  of  the  course  materials  was  by  developing

              computer  application  system  for  stock  management  and  reporting .  To  ensure

              effective  management  of  the  course  materials  in  Head  Office  and  Regional
              Offices,  computerization  in  the  management  of  the  learning  materials  was
              urgently needed.

                   Starting  from  1998,  the  preparation  for  the  computerization  in  the

              management  of  the  course  materials  began  in  the  UT  Head  Office  by  using  the
              local  area  network  (LAN).   In  2000,  computerization  for  the  course  material
              management  in  UT  Head  Office  had  been  effectively  applied,  and  preparation

              continued  for  the  computerization  of  the  course  materials  management  in

              Regional  Offices.  In  2001 , computerization  in  the  management  of  regular  course
              materials  in  Reg ional  Offices  was  effectively  in  place , and  it  continued  with  the
              computerization  in  the  management  of course  materials  for  the  PGSD  program  in

              2002 .  With  the  application  of  LAN ,  the  course  materials  distribution  system
              underwent significant changes.

                   The  process  of the  course  material  distribution  started  with  determining  the
              total  printing  volumes  of  the  course  materials.  The  meeting  of  determining  the

              printing  quota  of  the  course  materials  was  led  by  Vice  Rector  Ill  (Operational
             Affairs) ,  involving  the  Faculty,  Academic  Administration  Bureau ,  Administration

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