Page 184 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 184

Therefore,  ICDE confers  the  status  of  Internationally Accredited and  ISA

             Certificate of Quality.
                   The  ICDE  Certificate  of  Quality  and  International  Accreditation  was

             conferred  on  the  opening  ceremony  of  "The  19 h  Asian  Association  of  Open
             University  (AAOU) Annual  Conference" in  Jakarta  on  the  15 h  of September 2005.
             It  was  presented  by  Secretary  General  of  ICDE  to  the  Rector  of  UT  and
             witnessed  by  the  Vice  President  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia,  Yusuf  Kalla,  who

             officially  opened  the  OOAU  Conference , and  the  Minister  of  National  Education ,
             Bambang  Sudibyo.

             Striving  for  ISO  9001 :2000

                   UT  has  been  awarded  by  ICDE  the  Certificate  of  Quality  and  International
             Accreditation ,  however,  its  effort  to  reach  higher  standards  in  quality
             management  system  continues .  UT  continually  improves  its  management  system

             in  many  aspects  of distance  education  activities.  In  conducting  th is, UT  is  of the
             opinion  that  the  ISO  quality  management  system  is  instrumental  in  nature  for

             setting  benchmark  of  the  standardized  process  control  and  is  believed  to  bring
             UT  towards  becoming  a  well  structured  and  managed  institution .  For  this

             purpose,  UT  has  taken  all  necessary  measures  to  invite  the  ISO  certification
             agency  to  assure  the  quality  management  of  its  products ,  processes  and

                   ISO  (International  Organization  for  Standardization),  which  was  introduced

             in  Indonesia  in  1987,  is  an  international  agency  that  provides  Standards  for
             Quality  Management  System. The  system  has  been  initially  used  in  business  and

             service  industry;  however,  it  can  also  be  implemented  in  educational  sector  -
             which can  be  categorized  as  service  industry. The  ISO  9000  series, for  example,

             aim  to  standardise  institutional  quality  assurance  that  is  used  by  more  than

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