Page 186 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 186

Road  to  ISO  9001 :2000  Learning
             Materials  Services

                   In  2004,  the  effort  related  to  ISO  9001 :2000  certification  was  focused  on
             the  process  of learning  material  services - a key  activity which  is  the  main  focus

             of  UT.  This  effort  is  a  process  in  maintaining  the  quality  of  management  in  the
             distribution  of  learning  materials  so  that  it  can  ensure  that  the  materials  will  be

             received  by  the  students  in  timely  manner.  This  effort  placed  the  Learning
             Material  Service  Centre  (Puslaba)  in  the  centre  of  driving  the  activities . Although

             the  effort  to  achieve  the  recognition  through  the  award  of  ISO  9001:2000  was
             focused  on  the  Centre,  the  improvement  was  not  only  made  in  the  Centre  but

             also  in  related  units  which  contributed  to  supporting  the  management  process  in
             the  Centre.  Improvement in  management  process , therefore, also  occurred  in  the

             related  units.
                  Although  within  the  last  five  years  (2001-2005),  improvement  of

             management  system  in  all  related  aspects  has  been  a  continual  process,  the
             process  of  achieving  the  ISO  9001 :2000,  especially  for  the  Learning  Material

             Service  Centre ,  was  tedious  and  took  a  lot  of  commitment  and  seriousness  of
             purpose.  This  was  due  to  the  requirements  for  changes  and  adaptation  into  the

             quality  management  system  that  complies  to  the  ISO  9001 :2000  standards.  The
             process  of  certification  requires  coordinated  and  well  organised  preparation

             among  the  units  involved  and  the  key  unit/organisation.  Certification  process  was
             conducted  by  internationally  and  nationally  accredited  organisations.  The  key

             steps  in  the  certification  process  are  as follows.
             •   Setting  up  institutional  commitments  in  implementing  quality  management

                 system .
             •   Implementation  of  quality  management  system  based  on  the  ISO  9001:2000

                 standards  in  the  targeted  units  of the  organisation.
             •  Appoi ntment of accredited  organisation  for  certification .

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