Page 188 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 188

•   Consignment of Learning  Materials.
                 •   Control  of Learning  Materials.

                 •   Verification  of  the  Reproduction  of  Printed  and  Non-Printed  Learning
                 •   Procurement and  Maintenance of  Facilities/Infrastructure.

                 •   Security of Data  and  Computer Application .
                 •   Personnel  Recruitment.
                 •   Staff Training .

                 •   Report  Writing  of Quality Assurance  Implementation .
                 •   Evaluation  of  Quality  Assurance  Implementation  and  Management  Review

                 •   Internal Audit.
                 •   External  Audit.

             4.  Documentation , i.e. , preparation of supporting  documents which  include:
                 •   Records
                 •   Forms

                 •   Table  of Specification
                 •   Work  Instructions

             5.  Socialization  and  implementation  of  the  procedures  in  order  to  improve
                 understanding  for  staff  and  implementation  of  the  procedures  in  accordance

                with  ISO  9001 :2000  requirements .

             6.  Revision  of  procedures  and  corrective  action  based  on  input  from

             7.  External  Audit  conducted  by  an  internationally  accredited  certification  body,
                namely  SAl  Global.

             8.  Management  Review  Meeting,  conducted  to  discuss  and  evaluate  the

                implementation  of the  quality  management  system,  problems  and  constraints
                emerging  from  the  implementation  of the  system,  survey  results  on  customer

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