Page 183 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 183

Based  on  the  criteria  above ,  the  Regional  Offices  of  Jakarta,  Bogor,  and

           Denpasar  were  selected . The  visit took  one  week  with  a very  tight  agenda  which
           included  interviews,  discussions,  as  well  as  visits  to  the  ava ilable  facil ities  and

           infrastructures such  as  ICT systems  of UT.

                ou                       nual




           UT received  I C DE
           Ce rtificate
           In  S epte mber 2005

                Following  the  entire  process  mentioned  above,  the  Auditor  Team  which

           consisted  of two  members  continued  their assessment  process  in  their respective
           place. ISA  announced  the  result  of audit/assessment  and  submitted  the  report  to

           UT  in  August  2005,  the  conclusion  of  which  is  that  UT  has  fulfilled  all
           requirements for the  management  of distance education.

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