Page 179 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 179

•   How  does  the  monitoring  system  work  to  inform  that  the  students  have
              received  their learning  package  and  who  is in  charge  of this?
           •   Are  there  any  regulations  or  guidelines  to  validate  courses  or  learning

              package, and  how often  is  the  guideline revised?

           •   How  often  is  learning  material  revised?
           •   At  the  beginning  of study,  does  a student  get  enough  information  about  how
              to  study  and  the  requirements  they  have  to  meet  in  order  to  take  and

              complete  their study?

           •   What  kind  of systematic regulation  for assisting  students to  study?

           Support System

           •   Are  there  any  support  systems  for  the  students  when  they  make  their  study

           •   Who  monitors the  student's learning  progress?
           •   What  kinds  of learning  support are  available for students?

           •  Are  there  any  well  coordinated  elements  necessary  for  the  provision  of
              student  support  (such  as  library,  human  resources,  and  ICT  access)  at  the

              university, faculty , or department/study program?
           •  Are  there  any  services/support  systems  available  for  improving  students'

              motivation  or  learning  ability?
           •   Do  all  staff members  realise  their roles  in  providing  learning  support?

           •  Are  there  any  systems  for detecting when  a student needs  support?
           •   Does  every  student receive  necessary support  in  managing  their study  and  to

              acquire  necessary skills to  support their study?
           •  Who  is  in  charge  of administration  of academic data?

           •   Are  there  any  systems  which  accurately  monitor  and  evaluate  the  student's
              learning  progress?

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