Page 175 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 175

UT  has  taken  necessary  measures  in  order  to  get  accredited  by  BAN-PT
           since  1996.  Bearing  in  mind  that  UT  is  the  only  distance  higher  education

           institution  in  Indonesia,  UT  has  called  on  BAN-PT  to  develop  special
           accreditation  instruments  that  fit  the  characteristics  of distance  higher education

           institution.  From  1996  to  1997,  BAN-PT  in  collaboration  with  the  UT  Team
           developed  the  necessary  forms  and  instruments  based  on  the  outlines  derived

           from  the  principles  of  distance  education  administration  by  setting  up  ideal
           assessment  indicators  for  distance  education  practices.  Snowballing  discussion

           which  heated  up  during  the  process  of  the  development  of  the  accreditation
           instrument  was  whether  "we  set  up  indicators  which  ensure  a rank  of an  "A",  or

           "we  are  going  to  use  the  ideal  assessment indicators  that  guide  and  promote  the
           quality  improvement  of Study  Program  administration  at  UT  in  the  future".  Based

           on  the  spirit that UT  intends to  be  one  of the  centres  of excellence  which  is  equal
          to  world  class  distance  higher  education  institutions,  it  was  decided  that  the

           instrument  developed  should  use  assessment  standards  containing  indicators  of
           ideal  quality.

                Using  the  accreditation  instrument,  UT  called  on  BAN  PT  to  conduct
           assessment  of  UT  Study  Programs  for  accreditation,  and  in  1998,  all  S-1  Study

           Programs  in  UT  were  accredited  "B".  The  result  of accreditation  shall  be  valid  for
          five  years  so  that  UT  should  renew  and  resubmit  proposal  for  accreditation  in

           2003.  However, in  line  with  the  development of technology  in  distance  education ,
          the  number  of Study  Programs  in  UT, and  changes  in  BAN-PT, BAN-PT  decided

          to  revise  the  accreditation  instrument  for  higher  education  institution
          implementing  distance  system  developed  in  1996-1997  above  and  the  new

          version  was  reformulated  and  completed  in  the  middle  of 2005. Therefore, at  the
          time  of writing  the  present paper, UT  has  completed  the  process  of filling out  new

          accreditation  instrument  for  S-1  Study  Programs.  The  Master  and  Diploma
          programs,  on  the  other  hand,  are  now  in  the  process  of  visitation  by  the

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