Page 174 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 174

At  the  later  stage,  the  UT  Quality  Assurance  Framework  was  further

            elaborated  in  the  forms  of  documented  systems,  procedures ,  and  work
            instructions  which  are  necessarily  vital  to  the  UT  operations. This  chapter  is  not

            intended  to  discuss  the  systems  as · they  have  been  extensively  explored  and
            discussed  in  another chapter in  this  book  to  avoid  unnecessary repetition.

                  External  evaluation  was  conducted  by  inviting  external  evaluation  agency,
            the  National  Agency  for  Higher  Education  Accreditation  (BAN  PT}  and  two

            international  institutions  namely  International  Council  for  Open  and  Distance
            Education  (ICDE)  and  International  Organisation  for  Standardisation  (ISO).  In

            2005,  UT  invited  ICDE  Standards  Agency  (ISA)  to  conduct  quality  assessment
            which  aims  to  provide  international  accreditation .  ICDE  is  an  institution  which  is

            authorized  by  UNESCO  to  become  a global  organisation  which  accommodates the
            community  of  online,  flexible  and  blended  learning,  including  e-learning  and

            distance  education.  ICDE  is  a  non-profit  organisation  which  was  established  in
            1938  and  has  been  working  and  dealing  with  various  institutions  with  different

            circumstances,  conditions  and  cultural  backgrounds.  At  the  moment,  the  ICDE
            Headquarters  is  located  in  Oslo,  Norway  with  142  countries  becoming  its

            Process  of Achieving  Accredited  Status

                  Accreditation  by  the  National  Agency for Higher Education  Accreditation  (BAN-
            PT)  is  at the  level  of Study  Program . Assessment  is  focused  on  the  aspect of input,

            process  and  output  in  the  administration  of  the  Study  Program  which  includes  the
            curriculum and  learning  content offered  and  implemented  by the  Program.

                  The  accreditation  instrument  has  been  developed  by  BAN-PT, based  on  the
            administration  of  Study  Program  in  the  conventional  higher  education  institution

            which  is  very  different  in  nature  from  its  counterpart  in  the  distance  higher
            education  institution.

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