Page 171 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 171

General  Program  of APJJ I

                 The  general  program  of APJJI  is  the  elaboration  of the  APJJI  mission  by  the

           Association 's  Board  at  the  Central  as  well  as  Branch  levels, ·focusing  on  (1)
           education,  (2)  research,  (3)  communication  and  information  dissemination  on

           distance  education,  (4)  accreditation  and  award ,  and  (5)  internal  management.
           The  term  for  the  APJJI  Board  Members  is  for  3 years  either for  the  Board  at  the

           central  and  for  branch  levels,  which  is  for  the  2003-2008  period .  The  APJJI
           Board  of  Management  is  functional,  contextual,  realistic  and  is  congruent  to  its

           vision  and  mission.

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