Page 167 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 167

M.Pd.,  Hasmonel,  SH .,  M.Hum.,  lr.  Lamhot  Simamora,  Drs.  Max.  Gorky
           Sembiring,  M.Sc. ,  Drs.  Mundari  Muhada,  Dip.  TEFL,  Once  Kurniawan,  MM.,  Dr.

           Setijadi,  MA.,  Prof.  lr.  Soekartawi ,  Dr.  lr.  Tian  Belawati ,  M.Ed .,  Dr.  Th.  Widia
           Soerjaningsih,  Prof.  Dr. Yusufhadi  Miarso, M.Sc.  (APJJI  declaration, Article  2 in

           the  Statute).

           Objective  of APJJI  Establishment

                APJJ I  is  an  open  and  not-for-profit  organization  for  the  distance  education

           profession  which  is  based  on  Pancasila  (Five  Basic  Principles  of the  Republic  of
           Indonesia)  and  the  1945  Constitution.  APJJI  provides  a  forum  for  experts,

          practitioners,  and  observers  in  distance  education  to  give  their  optimal
           contribution  to  improve  the  quality  of  distance  education  at  different  sector,

           levels and  types  of education  (Introduction and  Article  1 in the  APJJI  Statute).
                Besides,  the  APJJI  objective  is  to  support  research ,  development  and

          application  of distance  education . APJJI  is  aimed  at  creating  a strong  alliance  to
          meet  the  demand  for the  development of education  and  training  from  the  learning

          community  through  new  concepts  of  an  integration  of  communication  technology
          and  instruction  in  broad  applied  multidisciplinary  fields  (Article  7  in  the  APJJI


          APJJI  Vision  and  Mission

          1.  Vision:  to  become  the  prominent  and  prestigious  association  for  distance
              education  experts  and  practitioners.
       .  2.  Mission:

              •   To  serve  the  community  by  providing  assistance, information, network and

                 opportunities in  distance education

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