Page 165 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 165

Entering the  21 st century,  UT  steps  forward  with  its vision  "to  become  one  of
           the  centers  of  excellence  in  distance  higher  institution  in  Asia  by  2010,  and  in

           the  World  by  2020".  Thanks  to  this  vision , UT  has  become  a very  active  member
           of various regional  and  international organizations as  follows.

           1.  International  Council  for Open  and  Distance  Education  (ICDE).  This  organization
               is  a  coordinating  council  for  distance  education  institutions,  national  and

               regional  associations, and  organizing  body  and  authority  in  distance  education,
               virtual  learning, and  life-long  education. Established  in  1938, this  is  the  pioneer

               and  oldest  international organization in  distance education.
           2.  Indonesian  Distance  Learning  Network  (IDLN)  is  a non-government  organization

               established  by  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  together  with  UNESCO/UNDP  that
               accommodates  institutions  and  various  interests  that  relate  to  distance

           3.  SEAMEO  Regional  Open  Learning  Centre  (SEAMEOLECJ.  This  is  one  of  15

               Regional  Centers  owned  by  SEAMEO  (South-East  Asia  Ministers  of  Education
               Organization),  established  in  1997  with  the  mission  to  increase  regional

               cooperation  among  10  member countries of SEAMEO.
           4.  Asian  Association  of  Open  Universities  (AAOU).  Established  in  November  13,
               1987  in  Bangkok,  Thailand  and  initiated  by  some  prominent  Asian  Open

               Universities, this  organization  gives  contribution  to  educational  democratization

               and  works  together to  share  information.  AAOU  consists  of Open  Universities  in
               Asian  countries,  such  as  India,  Indonesia,  Japan,  Korea,  Pakistan,  Srilanka,
               China,  and  Thailand.  In  2008  Rector  of  UT  becomes  President  of  AAOU,  and

               Vice  Lector Academic Services as  Secretary General of AAOU .

           5.  Global  Mega-University  Network  (GMUNET)  was  established  in  November  7,
               2003  with  the  mission  to  consolidate  and  increase  the  cooperation  among  the
               largest  open  universities  with  more  than  100,000  students  and  they  are  called


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