Page 160 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 160

Local  Government

                   Cooperation  with  local  governments  includes  those  in  sub-district,  district,
             and  provincial  levels.  Some  of  the  operational  cooperation  activities  are

             academic  support  activities.  During  the  examination  period,  sub-district  Offices
             of  Education  help  to  provide  examination  locations  with  use  of  the  local  school

             classrooms. Besides,  the  students  living  far from  the  Regional  Office  are  allowed
             to  take  the  examination  in  the  approved  additional  locations in  specified  districts.

             This  policy  can  be  implemented  because  of  the  good  cooperation  between  UT
             and  local  governments  as  part  of  the  effort  to  facilitate  access  by  students  in
             selecting  the  examination  locations.  Apart  from  examination  administration ,

             cooperation  with  local  governments  also  covers  tutorial  activities.  The  face-to-

             face  tutorials  require  classrooms,  and  these  are  made  available  through
             cooperation  with  local  governments.  Not  all  regional  districts,  especially  those
             regions  that  do  not  have  state  universities  or  the  location  is  far  from  the  state

             universities,  have  sufficient  tutors.  UT  has  very  limited  number  of  tutors,  the

             local  governments  assist  in  providing  tutors  who  meet  the  UT  requ irements, with
             a minimum  of Sarjana degree  in  relevant fields.

             Mass  Media

                   In  the  instructional  process , especially through  the  use  of non-printed  mass
             media ,  UT  cooperates  with  broadcasting  institutions  such  as  Radio  Repub/ik
             Indonesia  or  RRI  (National  Radio  Broadcast  Service)  and  Televisi  Republik

             Indonesia  or  TVRI  (the  National  Public  Television  Network).  In  the  beginning ,

             these  two  broadcasting  institutions  help  UT  broadcast  its  courses. Nowadays  the
             frequency  of broadcasting  the  UT  courses  by  the  network  has  decreased  because
             of  the  increasing  cost  and  the  tight  broadcasting  schedule .  In  1991 ,  UT  and

             Televisi  Pendidikan  Indonesia  or  TPI,  a  private  television  network  worked
             together  to  broadcast  courses  of  the  Diploma  II  In-service  Teacher  Education

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