Page 159 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 159

activities.  Those  activities  include  registration ,  delivery  of  learning  materials,
          payment of tuition fees , and  other academic  support areas.

          PT  Pos  Indonesia

                This  particular  government  agency  was  used  to  be  called  Perum  Pos  dan
          Giro,  which  later  has  restructured  and  renamed  itself  to  become  PT  Pos
          Indonesia. Since  the  beginning  of its  establishment, UT  has  cooperated  with  PT

          Pos  Indonesia  especially  in  the  distribution  of  registration  forms  and  registration

          documents,  payment  of  tuition  fees,  distribution  of  learning  materials  and  other
          supporting  materials.  The  cost  of  postal  services  is  relatively  cheap  and  the
          postal  network  reaches  remote  areas  of  the  country.  Up  until  today,  this

          cooperation  with  PT  Pos  Indonesia  is  still  effective .  To  facilitate  business

          transaction ,  PT  Pos  Indonesia  has  been  allocated  an  office  space  in  the  Public
          Service  Building  (Gedung  Layanan  Public)  at  the  UT  Headquarters  in  Pondok

          Bank  Rakyat  Indonesia

                This  financial  and  banking  institution  assists  UT  in  meeting  its  operational
          tasks , especially  in  financial  services. Apart  from  managing  the  various  financial

          transactions  to  support  the  UT  operational  activities,  this  bank  also  handles
          salary payment  for  UT  staff. Besides it also handles transactions  and  payment for

          tuition  fees  both  for  students  of  the  regular  program  and  the  in-service  teacher
          education  program.  Payment  for the  graduation  ceremony  by  the  UT  graduates  is

          also  done  through  this  bank, which  is  also  known  as  the  "rural" bank, considering
          the  number of branches  and  its  network which  reach  remote  villages .

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