Page 155 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 155

the  business  world ,  industries
                                                              and  other  agencies  who  have
                                                              competencies      in     their

                                                             respective  areas .  For  courses

                                                             in  economics,  for example, UT
                                                             can    invite  the   nationally-
                                                              renowned    economists   from

                                                              Gajah  Mada  University  as  its
                                                             course  writers  in  economics.

                                                              Experts  from  the  business
                                                             world  or  other  agencies  can

                                                             also    contribute    to    the
                                                             development      of    learning

           UT non-printed learning materials                 materials  in  their  respective
                                                             fields .  Generally,  UT  learning

           materials  have  been  developed  by  invited  experts  from  prominent  national  higher
           education  institutions  such  as  Universitas  Indonesia  (VI),  lnstitut  Teknologi

           Bandung  (/TB),  Universitas  Gajah  Mada  (UGM) ,  lnstitut  Pertanian  Bogar  (IPB) ,
           and  lnstitut  Keguruan  dan  1/mu  Pendidikan  or  Teacher's Colleges  that  have  now

           become  comprehensive  universities.
                 In  order to  produce  quality  learning  materials , there  are  systematic  steps  to

           take.  The  activity  begins  with  a  workshop  on  module  writing.  As  the  printed
           modules  are  new  content  to  be  used  as  the  main  learning  resources  at  UT,

           various  aspects  of  module  writing  are  discussed  during  the  workshop ,  such  as
           content, format, structure  of the  module,  and  design  presentation  of the  learning

           materials.  Besides,  UT  also  develops  multi-media  learning  materials  such  as
           audio/video  recordings,  radio/TV  broadcasts,  computer-aided  learning,  and

           internet-based  learning.

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