Page 154 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 154


                   Teaching-learning  process  in  educational  endeavor  can  take  place  when  there  is

             curriculum  available  as  its  main  reference.  In  the  beginning,  the  UT  curriculum  was
             developed  jointly  with  content  experts  from  the  state  universities. In  the  next  stage, the
             UT  academic  staff  develop  the  curriculum  themselves  and  then  external  experts  are

             invited  to  review  the  curriculum.  Additionally,  some  UT  partners  also  request  UT  to

             develop  the  curriculum, then  followed  by  joint  discussion  about  the  curriculum. In  both
             cases, a curriculum  review  process  is  conducted  jointly  by  UT  and  its  external  partners
             irrespective  of whether the  curriculum  development  has  been  initiated  by  the  UT experts

             themselves or by the  external experts.  The  UT partners in curriculum development include

             those content experts from the  state universities as well as from the stakeholders, such as
             experts from the industries, business, entrepreneurs, and other users.

                        Learning  Materials

                                                                   The    learning   materials

                                                              (module)  developed  by  UT  are
                                                              categorized     into     printed

                                                              materials    and    non-printed
                                                              materials ,  such  as  those  in  the

                                                              form  of  audio/video  recordings
                                                              and      broadcasting.     Like

                                                              curriculum        development,
                                                              learning  material  development

                                                              also  involves  experts  from  the
                                                              state   universities.   However,

                                                              there  are  also  possibilities  of
                                                              involving  experts  coming  from
           Utprinted learning materials

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