Page 156 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 156

                  The  UT  educational  programs  are  delivered  using  distance  education

                  11 .  Yet,  this  does  ;,o:  mean  that  there  is  no  face-to-fae;e  tutorial  at  all.

            Periodically,  UT  conducts  face-to-face  sessions  or  tutorials .  Tutorials  are
            different  from  lectures.  In  tutorials,  tutors  enrich  students'  learning,  guide
            students  to  independent  learning  and  to  overcome  learning  difficulties.  Students'

            questions  during  tutorials  are  directed  to  address  their  problems  in

            understanding the  learning  materials.
                  Prior  to  tutorial  activities,  tutors  are  trained  to  ensure  that  they  have  the
            competencies  to  conduct  tutorials  effectively. Although  they  are  usually  lecturers

            or  experts  in  specific  field  of  study,  they  need  to  be  equipped  with  methods  and

            techniques  to  conduct  tutorials.  The  tutor  trainers  are  senior  lecturers  and
            professors  from  the  local  state  universities  or  private  universities,  or  experts  in
            the  field  that  are  available  in  local  government  agencies  and  institutions.  For

            example , the  instructors for the  In-service  Teacher Education  Program  come  from
            the  local  Office of Education .

                  In  line  with  the  development  of  information  and  communication  technology
            (either  through  the  use  of  telephone,  facsimile ,  or  internet),  tutorials  are  also

            conducted  using  electronic  means  of  communication ,  which  is  called  electronic

            tutorial.  With  personal  computer  equipped  with  internet  facilities ,  UT  students
            can  attend  interactive  internet-based  tutorial , using  their own  personal  computers
            or  public  internet  facilities  such  in  internet  kiosk  (called  Warung  Internet  or

            Warnet) .  To  enhance  learning  activities  through  electronic  tutorial  (called
            Tutorial  Elektronik  or  Tutel),  UT  cooperates  with  a number  of internet  providers ,

            such  as  PT  Wasantara  Net,  Koperasi  Komunitas  Telematika  or  Koperasi  Warnet
            Indonesia. Online  tutorials  are  managed  by  tutors  who  are  also  academic  staff at

            all  faculties  at  UT.

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