Page 153 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 153

In  the  beginning,  cooperation  and  partnership  with  UT  was  established
           limited  to  the  development  and  distribution  of  learning  materials,  examination
           materials,  and  registration  services .  Nowadays  UT  cooperation  and  partnership

           have  become  more  complex  in  line  with  the  development  science,  technology,

           and  the  changing  needs  of  the  society.  Broadly  speaking , there  are  three  types
           of cooperation  relating  to:
           A. Academic  Development

           B. Operational  Activities

           C.  Student Recruitment

           Cooperation  in  Academic  Development

                The  UT  prima.ry  working  partners  in  the  use  of academic  resources  are  the

           state  universities. The  roles  and  functions  of the  state  universities are  significant

           in  developing  the  UT  Regional  Offices,  known  as  Unit  Program  Be/ajar  Jarak
           Jauh  Universitas  Terbuka  (UPBJJ-UT)  located  in  various  regions  of  Indonesia.
           The  state  universities  play  their  roles  not  only  as  the  provider  of  academic

           resources  but  also  as  the  supervising  partner  institution  for  the  Regional  Offices
           across  the  country  so  that  UT  educational  programs  can  reach  all  segments  of

           the  community, including  those  living in  remote  areas.
                As  mentioned  earlier,  in  the  beginning ,  the  academic  development  of  UT

           could  be  conducted  thanks  to  the  support  and  partnership  with  the  state

           universities  throughout  the  country.  This  partnership  has  continued  until  today,
           and  it has  even  been  expanded  to  selected  private  higher  education  institutions.
           The  UT  academic  development  includes  areas  such  as  curriculum,  learning

           materials, tutorials, and  examination.

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