Page 158 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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partnership  between  UT  and  local  governments  at  district  level  and  the  local
            Office  of  National  Education  Agency  that  allows  UT  to  use  available  school

            classrooms  and  the  recruitment  of  the  school  teachers  to  become  examination

                  The  quality  of examination  depends  not  only  on  the  quality of the  test  items
            developed  but  also  on  the  marking  and  processing  of  the  examination·.  Broadly

            speaking,  there  are  two  kinds  of  examination  processing  and  marking,  i.e.,
            computer-based  processing  for  objective  type  tests  and  manual  processing  for

            essay  type  tests.  In  the  beginning,  the  computer-based  examination  processing
            was  conducted  by  the  Computer  Center  of  Universitas  Indonesia  (UI) .  This

            partnership  with  Ul  was  not  only  related  to  examination  processing,  but  it  also
            further  included  the  training  of  UT  staff  at  the  Computer  Center  so  that

            examination  processing  could  later  be  conducted  by  the  UT  staff  themselves.
            Currently  all  the  examination  processing  is  conducted  by  the  UT  own  Computer

                  For  essay-type tests, the  marking  was  carried  out  by  the  UT  academic  staff

            at  the  Headquarters,  and  since  2004  it  has  been  done  by  academic  staff  in  UT
            Regional  Offices.  The  markers  are  recruited  from  the  local  state  or  private

            universities  and  the  recruitment process is  based  on  the  cooperation  between  UT
            and  the  local  state  or  private  universities.  Therefore,  the  academic  staff  work

            load  in  examination  processing  in  the  Headquarters  can  be  reduced,  and  the
            result  of the  examination  processing  can  be  kept  in  high  standard  and  objectivity

            can  be  maintained.

            Cooperation  in  Operational  Activities

                 Beside  cooperation  in  the  academic  field,  UT  also  establishes  partnership

            and  cooperation  with  other  agencies  and  institutions  to  facilitate  its  operational

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