Page 161 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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(PGSD)  Program . Since  1998, this  program  has  ceased  to  broadcast  because  the
           TPI  management made  a policy not to  broadcast educational  programs.
                In  2000 ,  UT  worked  with  the  private  sector  to  deliver  courses  through

           television  broadcast through  the  Quick  Channel or  Q-Channel television  network.

           UT  has  been  allocated  one  hour  a  day  to  broadcast  its  program .  Then  since
           2004,  the  Department  of  National  Education  (Oepdiknas)  has  established
           educational  television  network  called  Televisi  Edukasi  (TV-e) . UT  has  also  been

           allocated  one  hour  broadcast  per  day  on  this  television  channel  managed  by  the

           Centre  for  Communication  Technology  (Pusat  Teknologi  Komunikasi  Pendidikan
           Depdiknas) .

           Cooperation  in  Recruitment

                Most  (around  90%)  of  UT  students  are  working  people.  Some  of  these

           students  have  been  recruited  through  a cooperation  scheme  with  sponsors. Many
           UT  students  are  sent  and  some  of  them  are  sponsored  by  their  employers  or
           institutions  in  which  they  work.  The  employers  provide  sponsorship  for  the  UT

           students,  and  they  can  take  the  advantage  of  distance  learning  because  their
           staff do  not have  to  leave  their daily tasks  when  they take  UT  courses .

                One  of  UT  main  partners  sponsoring  students  to  study  at  UT  is  the
           Directorate  General  of  Basic  and  Secondary  Education  (Ditjen  Dikdasmen) . This

           government  agency  has  cooperated  with  UT  since  the  beginning  of the  1990s  to
           upgrade  the  qualifications of in-service  elementary  school  teachers  who  only  had

           teacher  training  qualifications  at  the  school  level  and  the  number  was  about  two
           million  teachers.  By  law, they  had  to  be  re-trained  and  upgraded  up  to  two-year

           university  level  through  the  Diploma  II  In-service  Teacher  Education  (PGSD)
           Program.  This  was  in  line  with  the  government  intention  to  improve  the  teachers '

           competencies  as  part  of  the  effort  to  respond  to  advances  in  science  and

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