Page 163 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 163

Other Agencies

                Considering  the  flexibility  of  the  UT  distance  education  system,  a  lot  of
           state  and  private  agencies  are  interested  in  improving  the  qualifications  and

           competencies  of  their  staff  by  sending  them  to  take  courses  at  a  distance
           through  UT.  The  government  agencies  and  state-owned  companies  cooperating

           with  UT  include  the  Department  of  Cooperative  through  the  Agency  for  the
           Resource    Development     of   Cooperative    and   Small-Medium     Business

           Entrepreneurs, the  National  Family  Planning  Coordinating  Board,  the  Ministry  of
           Youth  and  Sports,  PT  Garuda  Indonesia,  PT  Merpati  Nusantara,  PT  Pos

           Indonesia,  Bank  BNI,  Bank  BRI, the  Department  of  Justice  (in  this  case  through
           Tangerang  Penitentiary)  and  the  National Library.

                Private  agencies  or  companies  sending  their  staff  to  UT  include  PT
           Krakatau  Steel,  PT  Tugu  Pratama,  Yayasan  Lembaga  Bina  Pendidikan

           Pariwisata,  Yayasan  Tadika  Puri  (for Dll  PGTK  program) . Until  the  academic  year
           2005.2 ,  26  agencies/institutions  allocate  scholarship  to  their  staff  who  study  at

           UT  through  its  36  (now  37)  Regional  Offices. The  total  number  is  7,114  students
           for the  regular program . In  terms  of the  number of sponsored  students,  at the  top

           of  the  list  is  Pondok  Pesantren  AI  Zaitun,  with  5,553  students  followed  by  the
           Directorate  General  of Community  Education  with  306  students,  and  in  the  third

           place  is  the  Directorate of Agricultural  Extension of the  Department of Agriculture
           with  291  students.  UT  it  self  also  offers  scholarships  for  229  students,  followed

           by  BRI  with  185 students , and  PT  Garuda with  114  students. There  are  also  many
           other institutions sponsoring  their staff to  study  at  UT.

                In  1993, the  Army  Headquarters  cooperated  with  UT  to  improve  the  quality
           of  their  human  resources .  The  Armed  Forces  Chief  of  Staff  has  made  a  policy,

           requiring  all  the  middle  and  high  ranking  Army  Officers  to  continue  their  studies
           up  to  Sarjana  or  Masters degree  levels , and  the  choice  is  through  studying  at  UT.

           As  a result  of  this  successful  cooperation, further  phases  of cooperation  follow.

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