Page 164 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 164

Nowadays  many  the  Army  Officers  from  the  lowest  rank  up  to  the  highest  one

             hold  S1  (Sarjana)  degree. With  their  degrees  from  UT,  some  of them  manage  to
             continue  their  studies  at  the  master  or  doctora l  degree  levels.  So,  it  is  not

             surprising  if there  are  Army  Generals  who  hold  more  than  one  degrees, including
             degrees  from  UT.

             Cooperation  with  Foreign  Agencies

                   Distance  education  originally  comes  from  outside  Indonesia.  Therefore ,
             cooperation  with  foreign  parties  is  inevitable . In  the  beginning,  cooperation  with

             foreign  parties  has  been  more  focused  on  academic  development.  The  Canadian
             government,  through  the  Canadian  International  Development  Agency  (CIDA)  in

             collaboration  with  the  Open  Learning  Agency  (OLA),  helped  develop  academic
             and  operational  activities.  OLA  support has  been  focused  on  giving  scholarships

             to  UT  staff  who  wanted  to  continue  their  studies  in  the  master  and  doctoral
             programs ,  setting  up  a  system  for  the  distribution  of  learning  materials,  and

             management  consultancies.

             Signing of coope ration  with  o ve rs eas  p artn ers

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