Page 148 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 148

by  UT  to  for  support  learning  material  development  or  on  collection  related  to

             distance  education.

                   Entering  the  third  year,  many  more  study  programs  were  offered  by  UT.
             Library  collections  also  developed  accordingly.  During  these  years,  academic
             staff fe lt the  need  to  perform  three  fundamental  functions  of the  university  (or  so

             called  Tri  Dharma  Perguruan  Tinggi),  namely  teaching ,  research  and  community
             services .  Because  of  the  increasing  demand  for  library  services,  UT  library
             needed  to  develop  its  collections  in  various  subject  matters,  not  only  for  the

             need  of  writing  learning  materials  and  distance  education  management, but  also
             for the  needs  of  students, researchers,  and  UT  staff.

                   In  1999,  UT  formulated  its  vision  to  become  a center  for  excellence  in  the
             delivery,  research,  and  information  dissemination  of  open  and    distance

             education .  In  accordance  with  this  vision ,  UT  library  also  focused  itself  on  the
             development  and  information ·  dissemination  of  open  and  distance  higher

             education .  Library  materials  related  to  this  vision  was  expected  to  be  made
             available  abundantly.  This  effort  has  lead  to  the  development  of  UT  library  to
             become  digital  library.

             Library  Office

                   UT  library has  moved  several  times . At  first,  it  was  allocated  a space  in  the

             second  floor  at  UT  Head  Office  at  PSB  IKIP  Building  in  Rawamangun ,  Jakarta
             Timur. When  UT  Head  Office  moved  to  Pondok  Cabe  in  September  18,  1985, the

             library  office  also  moved  too.  At  first,  it  was  allocated  a  space  which  is  now
             called  Operations  Room  in  Gedung  Umum  (General  Building) .  All  of  University
             administrative  activities  focused  in  this  building.  Not  long  after  that,  Gedung

             Rektorat  and  Gedung  Umum  (now  called  Gedung  Lembaga),  was  ready  to  use.
             Rector  and  Vice  Rectors   moved  to  Rectorat  Build ing  (Gedung  Rektorat)  while
             Biro  Administrasi  Umum  dan  Keuangan  (General  Administration  and  Finance

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