Page 147 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 147

UT  staff  in  Head  Office  and  in  Regional  Offices .   The  first  edition  of  the

           magazine  publication  in  March  1989  was  completely  used  as  media  for  dialogue
           among  UT  staff. Through  this  media, UT  staff can  give  critics  and  have  dialogue

           with  UT  decision  makers  openly.  Since  1994,  Paket  staff, apart  from  publishing
           Suara  Terbuka , has  had  a new  task  to  publish  Komunika  magazine, acronym  from
           Komunikasi  Universitas  Terbuka .  The  magazine,  which  was  first  published  in

           1994,  has  served  as  communication  media  among  UT  students  and  between  UT
           and  the  students.  To  increase  the  knowledge  of  library  staff  who  manage  the

           magazine,  UT  library  has  sent  its  staff  to  attend  various  training  programs  in
          journalism.  In  1999,  both  magazines  was  no  longer  managed  by  the  UT  library.
           However, some  library staff stayed  as  the  management for the  two  magazines.
                Apart  from  the  publication  of  some  communication  media  managed  by  UT

           itself,  in  order  to  improve  services  to  students,  UT  has  also  developed
           cooperation  with  several  local  and  national  newspapers.  For  instance,  UT  has

           cooperated  with  Harian  Umum  Pelita , either  to  publish  written  tutorial  materials
           and  or  to  deliver information  to  students. For  the  same  need, at  the  beginning  of
           1990,  UT  cooperated  with  Tabloid  Mitra  Desa  in  Bandung .  Among  local

           newspapers  which  have  cooperated  with  UT,  Mitra  Desa  has  been  the  most
           effective  media  of  communication ,  either  among  students  or  between  UT  and
           students.  This  magazine  has  regularly  contained  both  news  of  UT  and  written

           tutorials given  by  UT  staff to  students.

           Development of Library  Collections

                As  mentioned  above ,  UT  library  at  first  was  designed  to  support  the
           availability  of  library  materials  for  course  writers  and  UT  for  staff  in  designing
           distance  education  system  which  at  that  time  had  no  model  to  replicate  in

           Indonesia.  At  its  establishment,  UT  started  to  develop  several  study  programs
          which  were  in  great  demand  by  the  society.  The  development  of  library
           collections  focused  either  on  subject  matter  in  these  study  programs  developed

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