Page 144 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 144

Human  Resource  Development

                   At  its  establishment,  UT  library  did  not  have  librarians.  In  cataloging  its
             collection,  UT  was  assisted  by  part  timers  from  other  libraries  around  Jakarta.
             Library  service  was  made  available  by  administrative  and  academic  staff  from

             four  Faculties  of  UT.  In  line  with  the  increasing  collections,  the  broadening  of
             subject  matter,  and  the  users'  demand  for  services,  professional  librarians
             therefore  were  needed.  However, the  problem  was  that  there  was  on  recruitment

             opportunity  for  librarians  since  UT  concentrated  on  academic  staff  recruitment
             needed  by  the  Faculty.  To  overcome  this  problem ,  UT  has  sent  academ ic  staff

             from  its  library  to  participate  in  continuing  education  programs  or  taking  the
             second  bachelor degrees in  library sciences.
                  Director  General  of  Higher  Education  (Dikti)  through  UKKP  provided

             opportunities  to  library  staff  from  several  state  higher  education  institutions  in
             Indonesia  to  study  library  sciences  at  the  post-graduate  (S2)  abroad,
             undergraduate,  or  diploma  2  levels.  In  1988,  UT  library  sent  two  of  its  staff  to

             study  library  science  at  the  post-graduate  (master's)  program  in  the  United
             Kingdom.  Several  years  later,  UT  sent  additional  two  staff  to  participate  in
             further  education  in  library  sciences  for  a  double  degree  at  the  University  of

             Indonesia  {UI) ,  and  three  staff  to  take  a  Diploma  2  in  library  science  at  Bogor
             Agricultural  Institute.  In  terms  of formal  education , UT  paid  tuition  fees  for  staff

             studying  library science  at  Ul  (S1)  and  at  Universitas  Pajajaran  taking  Diploma  3
             in  computer  science .  In  2001 ,  UT  gave  opportunity  for  a staff  member  to  stu dy
             library science  at  Ul.  They  then  become  the  main  staff for further  development of
             UT  library.

                  Beside  formal  education ,  UT  library  also  sent  its  staff  to  participate  in
             training  programs  and  courses  for  librarians  focusing  on  library  management

             funded  by  Dikti  or  on  library  application  program  funded  by  UT.  The  training
             funded  by  UT  was  usually  related  to  training  for  digital  library  development.

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